Friday, June 5, 2009

...there's going to be a virtual exhibit hall during the ASUG Virtual Education Summit

Friday, June 5, 2009
ASUG is going to be hosting an online SAP educational event on September 9 - 10 this year, most likely in response to the big crunch on travel that all companies are going through. This event is totally free to ASUG members and is going to offer approximately 150 educational sessions all through webcasts and live Q&A.

I was pretty stoked about that, and then I learned they're even going to have a virtual exhibit hall!

That's the cherry on the sundae, lol! This rules. I love technology.


  1. Will they broadcast a free concert too, after hours? :-) How cool that you got to see Eric Clapton and John Mayer at those SAP conferences you went to before! Alas, nothing ever stays the same... unfortunately.

  2. haha, yeah, all good things must come to an end. But I get to go next year for sure because it'll be free since I'm an ASUG volunteer now! whoo!


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