Sunday, June 14, 2009

...I really have it so easy with such a teammate husband

Sunday, June 14, 2009
I think sometimes I take it for granted what a truly giving and concerned husband I have. He is a true teammate. Caroline isn't just my job or just his job... She's our job and we help each other. Neither of us feels "stuck" (at least I don't... I hope he doesn't!). When the going gets rough, we trade or double-team, and I appreciate that so much.

Tonight, Caroline poo-pooed in the bathtub for the first time, lol. :) Pete called to me, I rushed in like a pit stop worker with a diaper, he took her and the fresh diaper into the bedroom to keep dry and warm and happy while I cleaned up the bathtub, and then he came back in to continue Caroline's bath. Easy as pie with two people working together!

So Pete, if you ever read this, thanks again. And if you don't read this, I'll just make sure I remember to keep telling you in person.

1 comment:

  1. As with all teams, there's usually one who does most of the work in one area... and I think that's true with childcare too. It's a team effort but usually not a 50/50 proposition. The stay-at-home parent does the brunt end of the childcare and that's simply the way it is... so yes, be sure to tell Pete how much you appreciate him cos being a stay-at-home parent is not an easy lot in life. Talking from 18 years experience, of course. :-)

    The same can be said for breadwinning too, without a doubt. If both parents don't work full-time, then the one full-time worker does the brunt end of the "providing"... the worry-carrying about the roof over the head, the food in the cupboard, the insurance coverage... and that's simply the way it is too. Not a 50/50 proposition in that department either.

    Both people work hard in their own way and with their own responsibilities, to meet in the middle at the end of the day, hopefully with everything done that needs to be done to provide the life that both people want and desire for their family. It's a nice and good thing if both people say "thank you" once in awhile, to the other, for the diligence each exhibits in their own individual role to keep the boat afloat!



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