Thursday, June 11, 2009

...I can actually get better at jogging

Thursday, June 11, 2009
I've never been a very athletic person. More the music and computers type, which always exercised my mind more than my body. Luckily I had been blessed with a metabolism that didn't require me to move much in order to maintain your average everyday okay kinda body. And I was just fine with that.

Then I had a baby. And my body went to hell. Caroline is of course worth it and so much more, don't get me wrong. But now, for the first time ever, I look at my body and know I'm going to have to work at it, and it's turning out that I have to work hard at it. :-\

So I tried the walking aerobics video I have. No dice, my hips screamed for mercy after a couple weeks and I couldn't even sit without being in pain. Then I turned to Plan B: Jogging.

At first I was terrified because I had tried jogging once or twice during college. It always ended in fitful spurts of attempting to breathe after a short period of time, which then led to immediate discouragement and quitting. But now, things are serious.

My first recent jogging session started with a commitment to 2 miles. I ended up walking about half of it, but I was okay with that and decided I'd try again. Two days later, I jogged 1.25 of the 2 miles, and two days after that I jogged 1.5 of it! In all honesty, this felt like a miraculous event to me, that's how much I had despised and given up on jogging in the past.

Now I'm slowly trying to work my way up to jogging the entire 2 miles and it actually feels like it's attainable. And that feels good. I certainly haven't dropped any weight yet, and I only jog about three times a week, but my hips feel good, my mind feels good, and I think I might actually be able to do this.

1 comment:

  1. wOOt!!! Actually, I've read that walking is better than jogging anyway so what the heck. :) Good luck, Fal! xoxoxo

    It's amazing what pregnancy and childbirth do to the body, isn't it? Which makes me realize even more fully what an awesome AWESOME process it is... to actually grow another human being inside a woman's body. My mind sometimes just can't wrap itself around the concept still... even today.


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